Worthington Whittredge
Born in a log cabin in Ohio, Worthington Whittredge traveled to Germany in 1849 to study painting with Emanuel Leutze at the Düsseldorf Academy. He remained in Europe for 10 years before returning to the United States, settling in New York City and becoming a major figure of the Hudson River School. Despite living in a major city, Whittredge returned again and again to the subject of American landscapes and forest interiors.

Where do you notice the vastness of the sky?
This landscape presents a view in the Harz Mountains, the northernmost range in Germany. Whittredge traveled there in the summer of 1852, accompanied by the German painter Karl Friedrich Lessing, a teacher at the Düsseldorf Academy. A late-summer sketching trip was part of a landscape painter’s life in Düsseldorf, and Whittredge participated in the ritual annually, making drawings of the local countryside.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd