William Joseph McCloskey
Born in Philadelphia, William Joseph McCloskey and his wife, Alberta, brought their East Coast artistic training to Los Angeles, where they opened a studio in Child's Grand Opera House. Today, McCloskey is best remembered for his paintings of citrus fruits, which he started after he established his reputation as an accomplished portrait painter; we might wonder if, in fact, these pictures are less still lifes than “portraits” of bright, ripe oranges.

Which foods do you treasure?
A study of contrasts, this painting displays multiple textures: crinkly paper, smooth wood, rough peels, and juicy orange fruit. The passage of time is suggested by the various stages in which the oranges lie; wrapped and unwrapped, peeled and unpeeled, a virtual timeline of the fruit’s consumption. They are also depicted like precious objects, which were wrapped and shipped to the East Coast from the citrus groves in California.
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd